Monday, October 24, 2011

To those of you who know me, I know you can't believe I have a blog! Neither can I! I'm as shocked as you are.  What brings me to doing this is.....I am in the process of publishing a children's book.  I'm using this blog as a resource to journal my process. I'm so excited about this journey and I look forward to taking you along with me!

A little background,

Yes, I have already submitted my manuscript.  Yes, I am working directly with a publisher and a team of writers as well.  But, first and foremost, all the credit for this book goes to Jesus, as he used me as a instrument to open the eyes and hearts of children to the power of trusting in God and most importantly, His Love!

I welcome any comments and input you have.  I would love and appreciate it if you would become a follower of my blog (J.A.M), share on facebook and spread the word!

  for I know the plans I have for you...plans to give you Hope and a Future.  Jeremiah 29:11



  1. I am so happy for you, Alice! I think it is wonderful and exciting!

  2. This is wonderful!!! I'm excited for you! Congrats! Love ya!
