Monday, October 31, 2011

Hi Everyone,

Let me start by saying thank you so much for your thoughtful comments and taking the time to check out my blog. It means more to me than you know. I am so excited about this journey God is taking me on and I'm glad you are going with me.

OK, now to bring you up to date about what has been going on with our book.
I received the first rough drafts of the art work this past week.  Thankfully, only a few revisions were necessary. They really did a good job depicting the characters. Hopefully the changes won't take too long, maybe a couple of weeks for the artists to work their magic. 

I know you probably would like a few more details about the book. We can't just keep referring to it as "the book." The title is  "Finding Gracie." The publishing company I'm working with is Arthur House.  I'm hoping it will be completed by late Dec or early Jan. In a perfect world, I would've had it completed by Christmas, but it took me a while to decide to take the leap of faith and jump into this. Arthur House will arrange the sales connections to all the leading book stores. Well, I better save more details for a later post. 

Along with this book venture, I have started a weight loss plan that I'm excited about . So far I've lost 10 lbs. Yay!! :) The program is ViSalus Body By Vi. I can say, I've tried many weight loss programs in the past, but I have lost weight with minimal effort on this plan and it's healthy.  Basically, I have a shake for breakfast, one for lunch and a reasonable dinner. The shakes are filling and if I want a snack, I have a 100 calorie snack in between meals.  You can go to and check it out. 

Again, let me say how blessed I am that God has chosen me to do this book and also though BodybyVi, He will allow me to help change lives by becoming more healthy and helping others along the way. 

For GOD knows our comings and goings HE has great plans for our lives if only we hear his heart.
Jeremiah 29:11   

Love and God's Blessings to you all.  I look forward to taking this journey with you and I look forward to hearing from you! 


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